Nutrition Program

Because educating young minds starts with good nutrition


  • Limited Public School Resources cannot sustain meal program 
  • Financially-strapped families cannot afford monies for lunch 


  • Children attempt to learn on an empty stomach – unsustainable


  • CCD Senegal launches pilot lunch program at Ecole Masse Massaer Niane 1


  • 45% of 210 students have been served  
  • Due to the COVID pandemic, the lunch program has shifted to a mid-day snack, and to date over over 10,000 meals have been served (Monday thru Thursday) to over 210 students.


Testimonies from students, parents and teachers are expressed in this video. The audio recordings and photographs further express the level of appreciation for the nutrition program.

Capacity building and community strengthening

The Food preparers: The lunches and sandwiches are prepared by 3 women who live in the community and who would otherwise not have a consistent revenue.

Food Preparer


Is a widow who lost her husband 3 years ago. She lives in a rented room in the school’s neighborhood with 4 of her young children. Before being hired as a cook for the nutrition program, she relied on handouts and good Samaritans to feed her children. Today she has a job – although temporary – and she can take some fresh food home for herself and her kids.

Food Preparer


Graduated from the same elementary school where the lunch program is located. She is the eldest of 7 siblings and due to her mother’s disability, her family relied on her to manage the household chores and she never had the opportunity to continue her education.So she relied on her cooking skills to cater for families and friends from time to time. As she puts it, “the lunch program is not only a blessing for the children but for me as well. It keeps me busy, productive and I make money.” She plans to save some of her earnings to start a catering business.

Food Preparer


Is married with twin girls. Her husband has been laid off due to the COVID 19 pandemic and she finds herself as the family’s breadwinner in such challenging times. After the meals, she volunteers to clean up the lunchroom to show her gratitude to the program and an example to her children go to school there.

Food Preparer

A neighborhood family bakery

Located near the school for many years, they bake fresh bread for the mid-day sandwiches. The school’s  increased daily orders have resulted in  hiring an additional baker to meet demands.

Food Preparer

A small neighborhood grocery store

Is the go-to place for all the goods needed for the lunch program. The storekeeper goes out of his way to provide the cooks with everything they need even if it is not available at his store. He confided that the weekly payments he receives from the lunch program allow him to restock and put some savings aside.