Our History

The socio-economic and cultural challenges in high-risk communities are contributing factors in the increase of citizen apathy; and left unattended, the chasm between the privileged and underserved would encroach on sustainable national development. “Whole child development, and its multiplier effect, is one of the smartest, most cost-effective investments we can make to ensure the health and prosperity of not only individual children and their families, but also of entire communities and societies.” (Global Center for the Development of the Whole Child 2020)

For the past two decades, our efforts have been conservative and gradual as we work to build partnerships with stakeholders and community leaders. During this period, the idea of an after-school program is valued at a premium. The region is experiencing an unusually high level of behaviors that are antithetical to the traditional norms that were emblematic in various communities. To this end, CCDS has renewed its commitment to re-cultivating and nurturing a community partnership that would offer an alternative to the growing culture of deviant behaviors.

Children are seeds to be nurtured – the future is now; and we must accord them all the valuable resources that would empower capacity building for sustainable community development. We continue to do our part to strengthen our Society as we keep moving forward.

For a few years now, my native Senegal presents a different and alarming landscape; but what’s most disheartening and concerning is the plight of the children. Neglect and apathy are the competing realities of this beautiful vibrant country – it is paradoxical! Something has to be done!” (Dieynaba Gaye, Founder-Executive Director).

With the support of like-minded compatriots, family members and friends, a conceptual framework was constructed to address some of the blatant issues faced throughout the country, and in March 2000, the Center for Community Development Senegal was launched to respond to a plethora of needs with priority focus accorded to the educational welfare of school-age children and their communities.